Saturday, December 24, 2011

FA Signing: Boston Celtics

Mickael Pietrus is expected to join the Celtics within the next 24 hours. This is likely a reaction to Pierce's injury, but this signing will pay off big time if they can convince him to sign for the minimum. Pietrus can play the 2 or the 3 (will play 3 on this Celtics team) and can guard both of those positions as well. He'll stretch the floor for them and he'll provide them with whatever minutes they need to fill. When Pierce is back healthy, he'll be getting the minutes that Jeff Green WOULD have gotten. Also, remember that despite his journeymen status, Mickael is only 29 (turns 30 in February), and has relatively fresh legs. He has proven that he can be a factor in the playoffs (See: Magic's '09 run, specifically the 12 ppg he put up versus this very Celtics team). He's a guy who routinely averages 20 mpg and will be asked to do so again this year for this Celtics team. If the signing goes through as planned, this is one of the better signings of this off-season.

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