Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nightly Recap: 12/27/11

Day 3 in the NBA has come and gone with the big marquee match-up of the Celtics and the Heat dueling it out in South Beach leading the charge as the first of the TNT double header. Speaking of TNT, why is Shaq whispering all his analysis? He's like an intimidated guy on an interview, it's disappointing to say the least. Anyway, I'm going to be trying new layouts for the recaps so bear with me while I tinker with this.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but if you're Boston you've gotta get the ball out of Norris Cole's hands!" - Steve Kerr

Unbelievable a match-up of this magnitude (for such an early regular season game) with all the stars available, that a rookie that played in the Horizon League for Cleveland State last year would be upstaging Wade, Bron, and Bosh and taking (AND MAKING) the big shots to put Boston away. Given the fact that, yet again, Pierce did not play for Boston, Miami was impressive in jumping out to that lead and then keeping Boston at bay after their late surge. I will say this, going back and looking at Norris Cole in that Mavericks game and again in the Boston game, that kid FEELS like he belongs on the court with all those guys and has an NBA body, those are 2 of the biggest obstacles as a rookie. While you're not going to see him dropping 20 a night, the kid can shoot, has confidence, and can hold his own. I don't see how he's not the starting PG for the Heat going forward. Looks like moving around those 2 picks to get him from the Bulls was a smart move.

As for Boston, I would not panic. They are without Paul Pierce and played the best team in the east on the road. They looked like they were going to be blown out of the building but were able to make a nice comeback. They've had a rough schedule to go along with a tough injury to deal with to start the year. I have all the confidence this team will bounce back and be a factor in the east going forward. Side note: how awesome is it to watch Ray Allen shoot 3-pointers. So pure.

31 and 20 = 17 L's

Kevin Love had another Wilt like game putting up 31 points and 20 rebounds, however missing the last second 3 to tie the game, resulting in the 17th straight loss for this T-Wolves team dating back to last year. This team has far too much talent to lose 17 straight and it boggles my mind they aren't able to steal a win here and there. This team is young and with Rubio, Derrick Williams, Kevin Love, Beasley, and (Hopefully) Wes Johnson, they have a nice young foundation to build on. It'll be interesting to see what happens going forward, but this is a team that could get hot and go on a winning streak.

Other notes:
  • Lakers get their first win, avoiding an 0-3 start for the 33rd straight year
  • The Nets had their worse loss since '07 (and when the Nets set a record for futility that's bad..)
  • Portland is now 2-0 and people really need to pay attention to their starting F's. Aldridge and Wallace are as good and athletic as any 3/4 combo is in this league.
  • Jimmer had 10 its on 4-10 shooting (making 1 three) while DeMarcus Cousins put up a nice game with 16/11 (leading the NBA in usage rate)
  • The Nets liked what they saw out of Brooks; dude is quick and can get to the stripe (where he shot a stellar 7-8 and lead the Nets in scoring)
  • The Hawks bench put up 55 points, the Nets starters put up 24.
  • Utah is rebuilding and it's going to be ugly. That is a team that is painful to watch play.
  • Paul Milsap needs to go to a contending team, his talents are being wasted in Salt Lake City. He is a stud on both ends of the floor.

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